Home Driving Getting Into Van Life

Getting Into Van Life

by Dave Dobson

A van life, is a fun and affordable way live and to explore the country. There are many people who are taking steps to enjoy the freedom of living out of a van. Some people do it for economic reasons, while others do it for the adventure of living on the road.

If you have ever thought about this type of lifestyle, there are a lot of resources out there to help you get started. Some people do one or two videos and call themselves a Youtuber, while others spend hours out in the field every day, making their subscribers happy and helping the movement grow. Let’s take a look at some of the best Van Life Youtubers out there and see what they have to offer.

Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, it just makes sense to watch some van life YouTube channels. Don’t worry-we’re not talking about the YouTube channels that show you how to construct a van, although those are awesome. These are the channels that will help you feel inspired to take on the adventure:

  • Kombi Life
  • Alexandri Tejas
  • Tiny Home Tours
  • Vanlife sagas
  • Van Wives
  • Jarrod Tocci

If you’re thinking of becoming a full-time van lifer, you’ve probably thought about what it would be like to live out of your vehicle for the rest of your days. While it might sound like a dream come true, it isn’t all sunshine and roses. You’ll face the same trials and tribulations as a homeowner or a renter, like paying your bills on time, maintaining your possessions, and trying to maintain a social life. Internet, electricity, water, and of course, food – you will still need to pay for these essentials and they can be harder to acquire at some points of your journey. For many, the idea of leaving what they know is difficult, if not impossible.

So how do you actually get into van life? Well, first you start off with the van. The bigger your van, the more storage you have, and the more storage you have, the more stuff you can take with you. A larger van also means you have the option to set up a little home theater in the back, which makes having to be on the road for hours less of a drag. If your van has a bathroom, you can even clean it on the road! This is one of the reasons why so many van lifers with comfortable setups choose to stick to vans that sleep at least four people.

However, it’s prudent to keep in mind the importance of not cluttering your van with too much stuff. The more stuff you have in your van the harder it will be to drive (more weight on the road), move around inside the van comfortably, and clean it. Being able to clean your van is probably the highest priority; you don’t want a musty smell permeating everything and you don’t want to deal with something like a bedbug or moth infestation. You can find out more about how to prevent those with this link: https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/local/texas/. But the bottom line is to only bring the essentials, the things you will be using almost every day.

Once you have your van you just get up and go. Depending on whether you’re doing it for the long-term or short you’d want to set up a PO box, cancel utilities, sell or rent out your home, ect. Then the world becomes your oyster.

What’s Good in Van life?

Why would you want to live in a van? The simple answer is that you can save a lot of money. Van life is an awesome idea for anyone who is looking for a more simple and easy way of living. As a van dweller myself, I can tell you that living in a van will save you so much money and make you so much freer! It’s not for everyone, to be honest. But hey, if you have no kids or pets and you’re looking for a way out of the rat race, a van is a great option.

For the past year, I have been living out of a van, traveling around the United States, photographing and writing about the best locations. I don’t have to worry about landlords or a lot of the bills I was used to before I started the van life. For people who don’t like being tied down, the van life can be very freeing.

So, what’s the bottom line about life in a van? Is it the dream we’ve all seen in shows and movies, or is it something that’s more akin to a nightmare? The truth is, living in a van is an adventure. It’s a lifestyle that isn’t for everyone, but it’s certainly worth trying. It’s a test that will teach you a lot about yourself and how to make the most of what you’ve got. It’s a journey of a thousand miles and one that’s well worth taking.

This article concludes that living in a van while traveling is a lot of fun. There are many good reasons to do it and even more reasons not to do it. However, there is one undeniable truth that will hold true for anyone who is planning to live in their car, and that is that it requires a lot of work, dedication, and discipline. If you are thinking about living in a van while you travel, the most important thing is to plan ahead and be prepared for whatever might come your way.


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